Monday, June 9, 2014

[Review] Laneige Water Sleeping Pack

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. As I promised last week I will review "Laneige water sleeping pack" after I tried it and I did! This is my first review post about beauty or skin care product
I used to have a very smooth skin with no problem of acne or whatsoever just a bit of oily skin in T-Zone area. Since earlier 2014 I had a very bad breakout caused by allergic, and I have no idea what I was allergic to. Now my skin is very sensitive, dry and flaky! I will have acne now and then, I am quite desperate with my skin condition. I don't really bother with my acne tho, because it comes and go. It's the dryness that's killing me, it just not good :'( So when this product promised provides intensive hydration, I had to pick it up my self and try it out

This product is one of the best selling korean product, The product it self came in a jar.
"Light gel-type texture provides intensive hydration, vitality, and brightening effect while restoring skin with deep relaxation"

That's what laneige says about this product. The packaging and the product are gorgeous (as you can see in the pic above). The jar comes with a little plastic scoop to keep dirty fingers out, I love the scoop for a hygiene reason so I don't have to dip my hand into the whole jar. I just need to scooped the product onto my hand and rinsed the plastic scoop off for next time.

This product is a light blue or probably pale blue color. the texture is luminous blue gel and luxuriously smooth. It felt nice and refreshing, not sticky at all, the floral scent does not bother me at all and honestly I barely smell the scent :)

When I first tried it out, It spreads easily on the skin and absorbs into my skin without feeling sticky. Since it is a sleeping pack means its a mask you use while you are sleeping. However I am concerned about spreading it all over my pillow, so what I do is just apply enough gel and put a cloth over my pillow and wash the cloth the next morning!

So I went to bed with it on, hoping the product would do some good. In the morning my face still felt dry as usual, even after rinsing off the product. I found this product to be not as hydrating as it promised considering they have a really good review, I'm sorry to say it didn't work for me.
I am quite dissapointed as I am expecting this mask to work for me :'(


Friday, June 6, 2014

2014 is awesome so far ♪♪

The tittle says it all, my first half year was great. As I promised before I will try to blog more often, Updating my daily life with you.

I have been gaining weight like 5 more kg than my actual weight. I've had a rough year and a painful year in 2013, I thought that is the reason why I ate so much and not exercising. At first I thought that it maybe just temporary and I will back to my normal weight soon, turns out I was wrong big time!
My weight still have not go back to my normal weight as I write this post, I am desperately want to go back to my normal weight. That is why I have been searching all the diet meal, this might be the first time in life I had to go on a diet. I have always been a one of those lucky skinny girl who can eat whatever she wants and not get FAT! I might have to change that thought now.
As I searched through all the diet meal or healthy food and I actually quite like "smoothies" as my diet meal. I have been searching for the recipes as well since I never make smoothies before, and quite simple. I will try soon and let you guys know how is it taste and how to make it. :)

 I have been meaning to get my self  "The Laneige Water Sleeping Pack EX", I read a lot of good review about this product, so I thought I have to try it my self. Last week I went to a department store and got one!
This product is "ELLE beauty it list 2011" one of the best selling korean skin care product. I know it is kinda late to talk about the laneige skin care but better late than never don't you think?? :) 
Pic's from laneige's web

And People have been raving about "3 Concept Eyes Face Glow". I am  very interested with this brands, from what I have seen in "Stylenanda" all the products seems very interesting and I'd like to try all the products. Unfortunately this brand is not sold in my country, but I am lucky because I am going to Hongkong on October and there is Stylenanda there. Totally gonna buy alot when the time comes $_$
3CE's Website

So I got my self this 3CE  face glow, I bought it online.
I have not tried both products yet, but as soon as I have I will write a review about it. 


Monday, June 2, 2014

My Baby Niece 사랑해~~ ♥♥

This actually is the first post in 2014, and yes i know it is almost mid year :'(
I actually promised my self to blog more often in 2014 and I greatly fail, I guess I don't have enough desire to write. But here I am right now trying to write what's happening in my life right now.
One of the Most important moment in my life was when I became an aunty! My sister gave birth to a very cute baby girl named " Sharon Elena Djie" It was me and my brother who named the baby since our sister asked us to. My family is delighted to have her in this world, she is the first daughter, first niece, first grandchildren in the family. She is super ADORABLE!! I have not meet her yet because my sister lives in different city with me, but she is gonna visit us next month for a holiday and I am super EXCITED!! Here some of the pictures of my cute baby niece, check it out!


Just shaved her head so she can grow more thick hair ^^ (Left One)

Smilee ♥♥♥♥

Adorable ♥♥

귀여운~~ ♥♥

Kisss~~ ♥♥

She is just too cute isn't she? Forgive me for being so so so obsesses with her, just couldn't help it.
I hope you enjoyed catching up with me. Have a wonderful week guys!
